Thursday, August 11, 2005

The Thin Man by Dashiell Hammett

Good old Dashiell Hammett- beautifully laconic, concise, and predictably unpredictable. There is something to be said for short, well-written books.

The Thin Man is just a detective-mystery deal, but it was quite enjoyable. The characters were fun, the protagonist witty and crazy. The husband-wife relationship was fascinating. She would go out with other men, he would be found physically comforting other women, and yet there was no question of their fidelity and trust in one another.

Hammett's people are so real. It is almost as if he created them and then just let them run around, doing what they do, weaving this intricate story. I love that he was actually a detective himself. It is a genuine case of writing what one knows.

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